Supabase: Open Source in Backend | iX
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Supabase: Open Source in Backend | iX

Backend as a Service (BaaS) includes services, such as the Entwicklungsprozess verinfachen and beschleunigen, indem sie serverseitige functions with the database, authentication, storage, Echtzeitdatenverarbeitung and vieles mehr bereitstellen. It is a lot of time and cost and can be Time to Market verkürzen, as you are not everything from Grund auf neu implementieren muss. Supabase wird as Open-Source-Competition to Google’s proprietärem Firebase increasingly popular, thanks des überlichen, wenn auch nicht so großen Funktionsumfang. Der Vergleich zeigt which BaaS platform is suitable for which use.

The central difference is the database

Supabase is coming in January 2020 by Paul Copplestone and Ant Wilson has been developed and zielt darauf ab, a complete backend to beet, it is easy to bedienen is and auf offenen Standards based. Zentral is PostgreSQL, the user has a powerful and proven SQL-Datenbank zur Verfügung steht.