Addiction conference educates healthcare professionals about the dangers of opioids
1 min read

Addiction conference educates healthcare professionals about the dangers of opioids

HOOVER, Ala. (WIAT) — Alabama doctors join forces to fight opioid and drug addiction. Almost 300 doctors and nurses attended an addiction conference today.

Doctors are calling it an epidemic – opioid addiction is raging through Alabama. On Saturday, doctors and nurses from across the state gathered to learn how to combat it.

“There is a huge problem with opioid addiction. I see someone in my clinical setting almost every day,” said Dr. Luke Engeriser, speaker at the conference.

Opioids such as oxycodone and Vicodin can be extremely addictive. At the addiction conference, keynote speakers teach doctors how to safely prescribe these medications and how best to help someone addicted to them.

“The purpose of this conference is to provide the best evidence base for how to safely use potentially addictive medications,” Engeriser added.

Maggie Wallace, a nurse in South Alabama, says the conference is teaching her important information that she will use to better serve patients.

“Everything from normal doses to current trends and controlled prescribing,” Wallace said.

Doctors say the signs of opioid addiction can vary — common ones are a change in behavior and a change in sleep patterns.

“A very important thing for families is to have a drug called Narcan, so if someone has an opioid overdose, stops breathing or becomes unconscious, you can spray Narcan in the nose and it will reverse the opioid overdose,” Engeriser said.

If you or a loved one is dealing with opioid addiction, there are resources available to help. Visit here for more information on how to get help.

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