Robot density 2024: China lets German industry hide
2 mins read

Robot density 2024: China lets German industry hide

Das Bild zeigt eine Industriearbeiterin neben Robotarmen in einer Fabrik

Robotics in the industry – Deutschland fällt zurück. Photo: CardIrin/

China sets auf Automation. Mit 470 Robotern pro 10,000 Beschäftigte überholt das Land Deutschland. Die Gründe sind überraschend.

Read an announcement from the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) which has China, Germany and Japan, with the introduction of the Industrial Robot everywhere.


Dieser Mileenstein reflects the success of China’s Strategy for Automation of the Industry wider and is part of the comprehensive effort, the Industrialization of the Landes voranzutreiben.

The robot density, measured by the number of robots per 10,000 employees, reached a value of 470 units in China in 2023.

This puts the country worldwide auf Platz drei, behind South Korea and Singapore, but behind Germany (429 units) and Japan (419 units).

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Bemerkenswert ist China’s rapid rise in diesem Ranking: First 2019 schaffte es das Country in die Top 10 and could could since seine Roboterdichte innerhalb von nur vier Jahren verdoppeln.

Der IFR-Bericht “World Robotics 2024” says that the average global robot density in factories in the last seven years has doubled to 162 units per 10,000 employees (2016: 74 units).

Robotdichte als Maßstab

Takayuki Ito, President of the IFR, describes the robot density as a barometer for the degree of automation in the manufacturing industry worldwide.

Industrial robots are programmable machines that can perform various tasks in production, such as welding, assembly, material handling or packaging.

Industrialization im 21. Jahrhundert

They enable higher productivity, precision and flexibility in industrial production. The increasing introduction of robots is ein Schlüsselelement der Industrialisierung im 21. Jahrhundert.

China’s impressive Fortschritt bei der Einführung von Industrierobotern ist das Ergebnis einer sieteligen Strategie zur Förderung der Automatisierung. The Chinese government sees it as an important step to strengthen the competitiveness of the country in the global production industry and advance the technological development.

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Through the combination of state support, investments in research and development, as well as strong demand from the industry, China has been able to rise to the level of a leading user of robot technology in a short period of time.

The experts conclude that the robot density in China and worldwide is increasing further. Für technikinteresierte Arbeitnehmer bedeutet dies einerseits neue Harausdorfen, da einige manual Tätigkeiten automatisiert werden.

On the other hand, robotics also opens up new job profiles and opportunities, such as in the development, maintenance and control of robot systems. Die Industrialisierung im Zeitalter der Robotics requires a continuous adjustment of skills and qualifications of employees.