Optimized power supply for gaming PC
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Optimized power supply for gaming PC

Asus gives the availability of the new ROG Strix Platinum power supply known. The series includes three models with 1200, 1000 and 850 Watt and should prioritize the stable power supply of the graphics card.

Die Netzteile von Asus richten sich nicht selten mit specialen Gaming-Eigenschaften an diese Zielgruppe. Das ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Etwa will not be revealed after a PSU-Blende cover, but with the beleuchteten Elementen and OLED-Display selbst im Mittelpunkt stehen.

Optionale Bevorzugung übertakteter Grafikkarten

Der Neuzugang ROG Strix Platinum is not available for gaming PCs according to technical specialties. “GPU-first” the profiler. Dabei handelt es sich um einen patented intelligent voltage stabilizer (Intelligent Volte Stabilizer, kurz IVS), where the power supply of the graphics card is prioritized and, for example, beim Überakten der GPU zum Einsatz kommt.

asus rog strix platinum netzteil ivs
Image: Asus

Whether the GPU-First-Feature or a conventional CPU-focused voltage sensor is used, it is left to the user and is optionalen Gebrauch des beliegenden IVS-Kabels as well as eigenem, farblich hervorgehobenem Anschluss zenziden.

Additional features of the ROG Strix Platinum Series are a Gallium Nitride (GaN) MOSFETdas Energieverluste redunden und die Powersprügung um bis zu 30 % soll bezerrenzen. Due to the characteristics of the semiconductor material GaN, a smaller and more efficient design of the component is possible, and therefore, for example, it is also smaller and more powerful Powerbanks and Smartphone chargers used In the ROG Strix Platinum power supply, the small size of the GaN-MOSFET enables a simplified internal layout and thus a better cooling performance.

asus rog strix platinum 1200w
Image: Asus

The life of the fan is extended by a double ball bearing to 80,000 hours. Im 0 dB Mode The fan is switched off at a power supply load of 40 percent or less to guarantee quiet operation.

The ROG Strix Platinum Power Supply Sind ab sofort im Handel available ROG Strix Platinum 850W costs 209.90 Euro, ROG Strix Platinum 1000W 249.90 Euro and ROG Strix Platinum 1200W 269.90 Euro.

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